Porcine Circovirus mofuta oa 2 PCR sete ea ho lemoha

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Setsi sena se sebelisa mokhoa oa PCR oa nako ea sebele oa fluorescent ho lemoha RNA ea Porcine circovirus mofuta oa 2 (PCV2) linthong tsa lefu la lisele tse kang tonsils, lymph nodes le spleen le lisebelisoa tsa lefu la metsi tse kang ente le mali a.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Lebitso la Sehlahiswa

Porcine circovirus type 2 PCR Detection Kit (Lyophilized)


48test/kit, 50tests/kit

Tšebeliso e reriloeng

Setsi sena se sebelisa mokhoa oa PCR oa nako ea sebele oa fluorescent ho lemoha RNA ea Porcine circovirus mofuta oa 2 (PCV2) linthong tsa lefu la lisele tse kang tonsils, lymph nodes le spleen le lisebelisoa tsa lefu la metsi tse kang ente le mali a.E loketse bakeng sa ho lemoha, ho hlahloba le ho etsa lipatlisiso tsa epidemiological ea mofuta oa Porcine circovirus mofuta oa 2. The kit ke ALL-READY PCR SYSTEM(Lyophilized), e nang le enzyme ea amplification ea DNA, buffer reaction, primers le probes e hlokahalang bakeng sa ho lemoha PCR ea fluorescent. .

Litaba tsa Sehlahisoa

Likaroloana Sephutheloana tlhaloso Motsoako
Motsoako oa PCV2 PCR 1 × botlolo (phofo ea Lyophilized)  50Tlhahlobo dNTPs, MgCl2, Primers, Probes, Taq DNA polymerase
6 × 0.2ml 8 hantle-strip tube(Lyophilized) 48Tlhahlobo
Taolo e Ntle 1 * 0.2ml tube (lyophilized)  10Liteko

Plasmid kapa Pseudovirus PCV2 e nang le likhechana tse itseng

Tharollo e qhalang 1.5 di ml Cryotube 500uL /
Taolo e Fosahetseng 1.5 di ml Cryotube 200uL 0.9%NaCl

Storage & Shelf Life

(1) Thepa e ka tsamaisoa ka mocheso oa kamore.

(2) Bophelo ba sethala ke likhoeli tse 18 ho -20 ℃ le likhoeli tse 12 ho 2 ℃ ~ 30 ℃.

(3)Sheba leibole ho kit bakeng sa letsatsi la tlhahiso le letsatsi la ho felloa ke nako.

(4) The lyophilized powder version reagent e lokela ho bolokoa ho -20 ℃ ka mor'a ho qhibiliha le ho qhoqhoa ho pheta-pheta - ho qhibiliha ho lokela ho ba ka tlase ho makhetlo a 4.


GENECHECKER UF-150, UF-300 ea nako ea sebele ea fluorescence PCR sesebelisoa.

Setšoantšo sa ts'ebetso

a) Mofuta oa botlolo:


b) Mofuta oa 8 oa hantle-strip tube:


Pcr Amplification

Recommended Setting



Mocheso (℃)


Mocha oa fluorescence




2 mets









Bokella fluorescence ea FAM

*Tlhokomeliso: Matshwao a dikanale tsa fluorescence tsa FAM a tla bokellwa ho 60 ℃.

Ho toloka Liphetho tsa Teko


Tlhaloso ea liphetho

Mokhatlo oa FAM


Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Positive


Vibrio Parahaemolyticus Negative


Resuite e belaetsang, leka hape*

*Haeba sephetho sa tlhahlobo ea mocha oa FAM se na le boleng ba Ct ≤40 'me se bontša mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa ho holisa sebopeho sa "S", sephetho se hlalosoa e le se setle, ho seng joalo se fosahetse.

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang